Tour in Italy 2011

"The Yalta Conference"
"Tokyo Notes"

Text and Direction:Oriza Hirata

"The Yalta Conference"

Italian Translation : Chiara Botta

English Translation : Cody Poulton

Performance in Japanese with Italian subtitle.

The Yalta Conference Picture
Hiroko Matsuda, Yukari Takahashi, Yozo Shimada

Though all the conversations are fictional, most of what this black comedy tells of the conference in Yalta of Churchill, Stalin and Roosevelt discussing the post-WWII treatment is historically accurate. The first half (15 minutes) of the play is the day one of the conference, in which they mainly discuss the division of Europe and the issue of Israel and the Arabs. The second half, day two, is about what to do with Japan after the war. The funny and scary conversations continue, revealing the egoism of the powerful nations.

"Tokyo Notes"

Italian Translation : Alessandro Clementi

English Translation : Hiroko Matsuda, Cody Poulton

Performance in Japanese with Italian subtitle.

Tokyo Notes Picture
Kenji Yamauchi, Hiroko Matsuda, Mizuho Tamura, Kenichi Akiyama, Koji Ogawara, Satoshi Kobayashi, Kumi Hyodo, Mizuho Nojima, Hiroshi Otsuka, Chikako Suzuki, Minako Inoue, Tadashi Otake, Masayuki Yamamoto, Yuri Ogino, Tatsuya Kawamura, Mami Goto, Umi Nagano, Natsuko Hori, Makiko Murata, Miyuki Moriuchi

An assortment of people visit this small art museum in Tokyo in near future to see the paintings evacuated from war-torn Europe. Focusing on their various concerns (family, job, war, art, etc.) this play constructs a whole world of its own, just like a picture made from mosaic tiles. This piece, whose title pays homage to a masterpiece by filmmaker Yasujiro Ozu, "Tokyo Story (Tokyo Monogatari)," is one of the most renowned works of Oriza Hirata. In 1995 he won the Kishida Kunio Drama Award with this piece. Since then Seinendan has been presenting "Tokyo Notes" in various venues in Japan and overseas, including Europe, North America, Australia, Southeast Asia and Korea.

Naples [Napoli Teatro Festival]

"The Yalta Conference"

1,2,3 July 19:00

Museo Nazionale di Capodimonte Sala degli Arazzi (arras room)

Via Miano 2,80131 Napoli,Italy
TEL.+39 081 7499 111

"Tokyo Notes"

1,2,3 July 20:30

Museo Nazionale di Capodimonte  Sala da ballo (dancing room)

Via Miano 2,80131 Napoli,Italy
TEL.+39 081 7499 111

Santarcangelo [Santarcangelo Festival]

"The Yalta Conference"

8,9 July 19:00 / 10 July 19:30

Sala Consiliare del Comune di Santarcangelo di Romagna

Piazza Ganganelli 1, Santarcangelo di Romagna,Italy
TEL. +39 0541 356 111

"Tokyo Notes"

8,9 July 21:00

Teatro Il Lavatoio

Via Ruggeri 34, Santarcangelo di Romagna.
TEL.+39 0541 620 890